This firmware update applies to laserjets. Not inkjets.
This firmware update applies to laserjets. Not inkjets.
Since when did Walz serve in a position that supported genocide? He’s a governor. Harris was part of the Biden white house, not Walz.
I used to just use Firefox for Google Meet, but it seems they broke it somewhere along the way. Probably on purpose.
“A couple of decades”
Buddy…it’s 55 years old now. Lol.
Interesting movie concept, though. Would love to see something like this remade today with modern revelations.
The efficiency comes from the lack of voice processing. The beeps and boops are easier on CPU resources than trying to parse spoken word.
That said, they should just communicate over an API like you said.
I already uninstalled it. Already enough Google spyware on my phone.
Debian and Mint user…yup I’m old.
Cool story. I don’t care if they know I fucking hate them.
Other countries have done it with little to no effect. It’s fine.
Glory to you…and your distro.
So owned. I’d especially feel so owned with universal healthcare, too. That’d show the libs.
How, exactly? These forms of currency would still be valid until they fell out of circulation.
Honestly OK with this. Do the Nickel and Dime next. Quarters, Half Dollars, and Dollar coins are the only thing we need at this point.
I’m using a Ryzen Mini PC running Debian and Flex Launcher.
Works well as both a media consumption machine and light gaming rig.
Per usual, Rackspace is about 18 steps behind everyone else
new and interesting ways
$80 and more micro transactions.
As someone who used to live in Grand Rapids, MI, I’m not surprised at all. West Michigan is a place of polar opposites: Both progressive in pockets, but also deeply bible-belty. You can’t drive more than a mile without passing at least a half dozen churches.
Also, it’s where Betsy Devos’ company and one of the largest for-profit charter school organizations in the country is based.
Emulation isn’t piracy and you’re allowed to back up physical games you own. That’s legally your right.