There doesn’t really have to be one. There companies have deep pockets and the legal process itself is long and costly. They know you might win, but they also know you can’t afford to slog through the process to actually get an outcome.
There doesn’t really have to be one. There companies have deep pockets and the legal process itself is long and costly. They know you might win, but they also know you can’t afford to slog through the process to actually get an outcome.
Personally, I’d take this as a red flag about the company to which you would be applying. It sucks, but tells you what they think about “people”.
Someone finally thinking of the shareholders.
Red states are about to get even more “freedom”.
You get what you vote for.
**tearing everything apart
But will the free speech absolutist chime in?
Hey cool, one more excuse to see a rich person get away with everything
Kind of funny that this kicks in the day before an inauguration.
Super Contra for NES (sometimes just called Super C). Stupid shoot em up action done to perfection.
Metal Slug games are great in emulation; similar to above.
My mistake – edited above.
And an even better point!
This. We’re seeing the same trend in many places.
California needs to stop paying into federal coffers immediately. This illusion that the world’s 10th 5th largest economy is a mismanaged shithole needs to be publicly ridiculed.
Kind of like wearing a red MAGA hat.
If y’all want to see what happens to the federal budget when California stops paying, keep it up.
Should probably stop giving the free money to moochy red states though.
Damn, I’m in the wrong business. Been making really bad decisions for free
It’s already here
Just remember that it was ultimately the corpos who showed us that theft doesn’t matter anymore.
As of yet, Stack Exchange has not replied to the above post, but they did promptly and within hours gave me a year-long ban for merely raising the question.
Laws mean nothing anymore. Therefore licenses mean nothing. Therefore ownership means nothing, and “theft” no longer exists.
You do not need a license to listen to ham radio with a traditional transceiver. You only need a license to transmit.
There are no licensing requirements for equipment purchases.