Eh, one bad election? Have you been under a rock? Do people forget 2016? And all the smaller elections in between then and now? Millions of us are losing basic human rights for a while now.
Eh, one bad election? Have you been under a rock? Do people forget 2016? And all the smaller elections in between then and now? Millions of us are losing basic human rights for a while now.
Horrible take.
To be privilege enough to take on that firehose…
Is it magical?
Talk about irrelevant comment. Blocked.
Theu don’t verify emails and the CEO has even suggested we can use a random string. Also, you can pay with Bitcoin. No forced KYC anywhere along the way.
Eh, doesn’t discouraged me from using em. For me is them or Google. As those are the only two useable engines for my type of surfing.
Lile they say, perfection is the enemy of privacy! Kagi has been the best as an engine out of all I’ve tried. If a better competitors comes up, I’ll give em my money.
Wow, you gotta be pretty privilege in one way or more to say that’s at the forefront