The other really important part of this story that is not mentioned is in the MN state senate there is also a tie. The DFL and MN State Republicans parties have created a power sharing agreement there already. They have dual chairs of the committees, an agreement for how the parties will control the agenda and how bills will be introduced etc. So there is even a template to work off of that was already hammered out by the two parties.
Everyone knows that no matter what there will be bipartisan agreement because of the split senate and state house. Our DFL governor, everyone’s favorite Midwestern dad Tim Walz released his budget which includes tax cuts and reduction in total spending knowing that this is something that will need to happen. Everyone else is acting like adults but the house republicans. It’s a disgrace and completely invalidates the MN reputation of good governance which was something that both parties used to brag about.
Good to know. I should have tried to get that running. If I had more videos I would have needed it