Unfortunately I think the ICE cars are just as stalkerish at this point (if the EV=creepy implication is intended). Kia and nissan even have bits in their privacy policies about monitoring sexual activity somehow.
Unfortunately I think the ICE cars are just as stalkerish at this point (if the EV=creepy implication is intended). Kia and nissan even have bits in their privacy policies about monitoring sexual activity somehow.
The car listening to everything you say is absolutely not ok.
I get that’s not what this article is about, but I hate how they’re getting creepier and creepier things normalized.
It looks like it’s relative to the 2004-2013 average, actually. Note the years listed at the bottom.
You said “if you don’t want to be overweight, you have to eat carbs in moderation.” I am not doing that, and am not overweight.
If you’re going to word something as absolute, on the internet, you better be prepared for exceptions in reply.
Fat has more than double the calorie density, I’m not sure what you mean by “high carb food have more calories”.
I like to go to the bakery down the street and buy a loaf, then just eat the whole thing while it’s still fresh. I’m a scrawny little spitfuck.
Any restrictive diet can lead to weight loss, because you’re not allowed to eat the stuff you wanna eat, so you don’t eat as much.
If there’s nothing special about carbs (and I don’t think there is…) that’s what I’d call “debunked.”
If voting could dethrone the wealthy, they wouldn’t let us do it.
Oh man I was just repeating what I read from an article, but there’s so much more in that list.
Surely none of this could be used for nefarious purposes, right?