People always say things like that as if that some kind of argument in its favor.
Being stabbed is better than being shot, but I wouldn’t consider either them to be particularly good for your health.
People always say things like that as if that some kind of argument in its favor.
Being stabbed is better than being shot, but I wouldn’t consider either them to be particularly good for your health.
What was the actual reason they gave when they blocked your account. Because I had one of my accounts banned, but not for any logical reason, and they just gave me a made-up reason of I was being aggressive (I wasn’t being aggressive I was just pointing out to someone that he was gatekeeping, which he was).
For contacts the guy was trying to suggest that the only people who should be allowed to be employed in the software development industry are people with a relevant university level qualification, which was obviously stupid because it would block pretty much all of the current tech billionaires from their own companies.
It’s a feature that can be turned on the confidential documents but I don’t think it’s actually on by default.
You can check for it anyway, just print a document then attempt to scan it, if it’s got the track marks it will refuse to scan because one of the things the track marks do is block scanning, although you can still take a photo of it because the camera probably won’t be able to see the track marks so it’s not 100% secure. In fact it’s largely considered an obsolete security method these days, along with pink flimsies.
Yeah but that’s the logic that the climate change denies also used.
“Global warming can’t be real, as it snowed yesterday”
Plus of course people are more likely to be trying to buy used cars (of any brand) or not buying any cars at all given the current economic situation. Which of course is also elon’s fault, at least partly.
Plus of course if the US ever does impose import fees on Europe the obvious response would be to impose import fees on Tesla’s. It’s a luxury item so the general public probably won’t hugely care, and it will hit the only person really to blame for all of this without unnecessarily targeting other US businesses. You know, how import fees are supposed to be used
Are we writing fan fiction for the government now?
I like how it follows the tradition of all fan fiction in being totally inconsistent with established personality traits.
Trump hired him in the first place so I don’t think he’s going to get kicked out because of Trump’s distaste. Trump doesn’t care about people he only cares about himself and Elon is useful to him.
If he gets kicked out it’ll be because he became a risk to Trump probably because he tried to take Trump on.
Rivian don’t sell vehicles outside the US though so they’re always going to be on the back burner internationally. Plus of course, most of the world don’t want a pick up truck style vehicle in any case.
Don’t be a dick. No one’s going around investigating the corporate culture of every parent corporation that they buy their product from because they’d be at it all damn day.
Did you even watch The Good Place that’s the whole point of the show, you can’t be a “good” person based on absolute morals, because it’s impossible in the 21st century as the world is too complicated.
They’ve probably had more recalls on the cyber truck than they’ve had sales of the cyber truck
Because they’re not actually using the AI that way, to support them in their writing endeavors, they’re just having the AI do the writing task for them.
A calculated doesn’t do the understanding for you it just does the calculation. You still need to understand what it is you’re asking the calculator to do. If you want to calculate compound interest you still need to understand the concepts behind compound interest, in order to be able to put the right calculations into the calculator.
Most people don’t need to think
No they just don’t do it. The world would be in a much better position if people engaged their brains occasionally.
You seriously need to look up gatekeeping because that’s not what it means at all.
Also you are making stuff up. No one has ever been against learning Latin, it is always being seen as something that a sophisticated gentleman knows, literally the opposite of whatever random nonsense you’re claiming right now.
Seriously? The library computers are running Windows 8 I highly doubt they have the technical expertise to do anything. Also why would they?
If you start sieving your urine you’ll never have to buy filament ever again. Really it’s a blessing in disguise.
The news also got obsessed over the fact that drones made of plastic don’t appear on radar.
I have no idea how it works I’m not sure if Lenovo have released that information.
It was at CEX but all the footage of it is mostly of people going “it’s really interesting but it doesn’t show up on camera”. So is anyone’s guess how good this will be.
I’m inclined to feel like it’s a gimmick though. Does anyone want 3D displays?
It’s rather telling though isn’t it that Nintendo then abandoned the technology as soon as they went over to their next console. If it had been popular they would have included it on the switch.
I seriously question the mental stability of Tesla shareholders. Why on Earth does that man still have a job?
I’m not even talking about this recent stuff, I’m talking about all the things he’s been doing for the last few years. It would get any normal person fired.