It’s OK, they consent to it by being rich.
It’s OK, they consent to it by being rich.
Voting stupidly doesn’t turn a working class person into an owner class person. We still outnumber them, it’s just that most of us have been tricked.
You gotta say “we will vote to have the state do this” before your threats. It’s like sudo for threats.
At this point you might want to look up what level the Nazis were at.
They’re on a whitelist. Random numbers are not entitled to your attention on demand.
I never wanted a cell phone in the first place. I just needed one when my house burned down. If it were up to me, they would never have existed, and the pay phones would still work. Don’t you remember how nice going to the movies used to be?
Hell yeah I should go out more. While I’m out, I want you to leave a message on my answering machine that I will ignore if it doesn’t start with a number.
An overwhelming majority of voters are voting based on tribal affiliation, not expected results. They have literally no idea if the proposed policies will help, or even be pursued in earnest.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Chronicles of Narnia
Even the non-apology “apology” is unacceptable!
Audio CAPTCHA is a closed tab from me dawg. What do they think, I’m using a desktop computer at home like it’s the 90’s?
Militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation, and strong regimentation of society are all characteristics of fascism listed in the meme.
This unironically
Man’s freedom is lacking if somebody else controls what he needs, for need may result in man’s enslavement of man.
— Muammar Gaddafi
Republicans dropped any pretense of caring about free markets. Auto makers were already getting bailed out, and now he’s bought the Oval Office.
Later: “Due to the struggling stock market and their essential nature to the economy, we have no choice but to bail out Tesla Motors.”
Even if Musk gets fired, he’ll still own a huge percentage of the stock. If the goal is to hurt his net worth, then the boycott shouldn’t end with his dismissal.
Citation needed
You’re half right… monetary policy is a huge source of inequality, but that’s because congress obeys their rich owners.
If there was some way to opt out of their monetary policy, then you’d think it would already be catching on. 😉