From my time in, I would say most don’t like him but also most to want to rock the boat.
From my time in, I would say most don’t like him but also most to want to rock the boat.
Naww, belief is an action. There have been thousands of beliefs, yours will fall out of fashion as the others have.
Eww, theocracy gross
If you can I would set static IPs from the router though. That’s what I do as another device can still take the IP and cause issues.
From myself I see it as a sensory sensitivity. Like cheap sweatpants that have the fizzy stuff on the inside I can’t stand, but others are just like ehh, it’s not great. So while someone else is ehh about dysphoria, it was overwhelming to me.
Yeah, I’ll tell the cops it is my emotional support rock pet.
I do think this year’s pride events are going to get bloody. I’ll be taking a trauma kit with me.
Postgres, the extensions and open source community have been very helpful.
Postgis for images
CloudNative-pg for running DB clusters in kuberneties.
That’s what we do internally for our openshift deployment. It will reach out if not in harbor and then cache it there for everyone else to use.