And the yeast can sense fear.
Luckily, it can also sense anger which is why I remember every failure before I approach the dough.
Mentally ill woman in my late 30s.
I’m here to help!
Temporary status update; I finally had my wisdom teeth out so I’m very likely on prescription medication while you’re reading this. There may be… out-of-character commenting.
(Formerly of and of before that.)
And the yeast can sense fear.
Luckily, it can also sense anger which is why I remember every failure before I approach the dough.
I throw them away because I will tear them, the tears will catch on my hands, and it will slide half-off at the worst possible time.
Luigi, Luigi, who can I turn to?
You give me something I can hold onto!
Things can’t stay the way that they were before
It’s time to put some villains up on the wall!
Luigi I got your number!
I think it’s hero time!
Luigi don’t change your number!
Four six one six two five oh!
Four six one six two five oh!
Four six one six two five oh!
Four six one six two five oh!
Luigi Luigi you’re the guy for me
Oh, you don’t know me but you make me so happy.
I tried to free you but I lost my nerve.
I said “nullification” but I got censored
Luigi I got your number. I think it’s hero time. Luigi don’t change your number
Four six one six two five oh!
Four six one six two five oh!
Four six one six two five oh!
Four six one six two five oh!
I got it (I got it) I got it
Put those assholes on the wall!
I got it (I got it) I got it
For the good of, for the good of us all!
Luigi, Luigi who can we turn to
(Four six one six two five oh)
To know our pain, we can always turn to you.
(Four six one six two five oh)
The interesting thing is I could make the argument that the magic virus variant is the same as Anne Rice’s.
I remember reading a fever dream of a book when I was a teenager called Vampire Virus- I feel like I recall that book addressing voiding the digestive tract as well. It’s certainly addressed in some places…
It’s the kind of theory that makes me want to write again.