Uh. 500 sample size. To estimate 19 million people’s thoughts?
Ok. Sure. What’s a “representative sample” then???
Edit: go read the source. The choice of wording alone gives away the fact that this is NOT a properly done analysis.
Uh. 500 sample size. To estimate 19 million people’s thoughts?
Ok. Sure. What’s a “representative sample” then???
Edit: go read the source. The choice of wording alone gives away the fact that this is NOT a properly done analysis.
474 people polled.
Ignore this clickbait crap people. I mean, c’mon.
Oh for crying out loud. They surveyed LESS THAN 500 PEOPLE.
This “damning” new poll is bullshit. They’re extrapolating out from 474 people polled to try and pretend like they can accurately tell me what 19 MILLION people think?
This is just sad.
Edit: lol at the downvote. But seriously, that’s not a representative sample size. By several orders of magnitude. This is stupid.
Usually, you have to tell the SEC first. Before going public. So I’m pretty sure you’ve got things, like, 100% backwards here, buddy.
Isn’t that list redundant? All you mentioned were cockroaches and Twinkies…
The freedom to speak has nothing to do with being heard.
So strong he needs both hands to drink a glass of water?
Or is it the way he literally shits himself in the middle of a rally? Oh wait, of course! Cause the only thing strong about that dementia riddled moron is his stench.
Imagine looking at Trump and thinking, “Wow, him strong!” Fucking weird, I tell ya what…
Sure, buddy. A factor of to 38,000 per one response is “representative”?
Nope!! Not happening, buddy!