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User name checks out!
I first thought the image on the right was Peter Thiel, lol
Would seem almost intentional given the size and success of the company. How do you fuck something like that up so badly? Seems like one of those Embrace, Extend, Extinguish deals or similar
But how come they only stopped in 2005
Probably ran out of their stock of lead around that time
That was such a cool game. I remember saving up to buy it, the first Ultima title I’d own and it was a beast of a game for my uninitiated self. I would just wander the map exploring, i don’t think i ever got the hang of the actual game or managed to get very far with the objectives. I think i got a magic carpet at some point that let me check out even more remote locations on the map… I just loved seeing the world they built, esp in those colorful vga graphics ❤️💚💙
Sporting that bussin’ broccoli top 🥦
I don’t expect the best and the brightest to hail from North Dakota, but it’s scary watching full-grown adults bring this kind of stupidity into legislation. I’ll never understand this anti-science movement but i firmly believe it’s a product of people that can’t grasp it and get frustrated because they don’t understand it. Instead of trying harder or taking the L, they decide they hate the things they don’t understand and the people that do understand and believe in those things are monsters trying to poison everyone around them.
To what end though? Vaccinating everyone to give the masses autism or something?! Lol
Oh boy Tesla cop cars 👐
Soon enough Leon is gonna start suing people for not buying his cars, for political reasons or otherwise
It’s ok, i use a VPN 🥴
And millions of other people’s $2. Congrats to Nintendo on their newfound wealth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean, the richest man in the world is busy meddling in everyone else’s affairs. Clearly money is not enough to satisfy.
“government doesn’t work!!”
/proceeds to cripple any/all functionality of gov
“See?! I told ya it doesn’t work” 🥴
The recent measles outbreak in Texas was actually a celebration in his honor
Yikes! The latest generation of whirlpool products seem to be at a new low in terms of quality and reliability. I have no experience with induction plates/ranges yet, though it sounds like I’ll be getting plenty of calls on them when they become more popular around here!
Well if the richest man in the world wants something, he’s gonna let everyone know
I recently repaired an Ikea dishwasher. Turned out it was a Whirlpool-built unit. Decent one, at that.
I don’t know what this is but it reminds me vaguely of Adventure for the Atari 2600. That arrow/sword was the shit
I just read this article that expands on that thought. They’re trying to sustain mass-outrage with never-ending headline news. Most things he’s attempting are being done by Executive Order, he doesn’t have the support to have things passed through traditional means. Lots of the things he’ll attempt won’t get anywhere but the headlines are good enough for him to use as a distraction. I’m not saying bad things aren’t happening. However, it does appear there may not be as much success in his attempts to fuck everything up as there are headlines detailing the attempts. I’m not 100% sure i fully agree with this article, but i found it thought-provoking. Certainly open to hearing anyone’s thoughts on this too: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/02/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-trump-column-read.html?unlocked_article_code=1.uk4.6pOw.Db_3T-xndI_z
There’s times when it feels like we’re already doing that