Yapping dog, short leash.
Yapping dog, short leash.
Sadly, she didn’t literally eviscerate him.
What’s sad is that attention-seekers constantly claim to be in relationships with AIs, cars, buildings, bowling balls, page 763 of a particular edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and probably colors. They’re all full of shit and trying to get some publicity from the brain-dead credulous media.
We need to find a way to prevent sociopaths from making it to the C-suite.
He can be the God of Incontinence.
Dump his corpse somewhere where pigs will eat it. Giving back to the community.
Just tell me where they’re burying him and I’ll be there for a massive shit, a racehorse-like piss and a loogie to top it all off.
Also potentially prosecuted.
Nixon was given the choice of resigning or being prosecuted. Decency didn’t enter into it, only his rat-like self-preservation instinct.
Make the anus be the mouth, it’ll be a perfect likeness.
Hookers and blowholes. Autographed recordings of Maggot Brain.
With a clumsy Sharpie edit changing I to E. Or the logo will have Trump’s picture and the name will be American Revenue Service -External.
And just to be clear, using IAM roles doesn’t require much effort either, even when you need to sync with an external auth provider such as AD (I know, ewww, but you have to live in the world as it is rather than the one you’d like it to be).
Force them to pay a mandatory insurance premium, and use the proceeds to find hit squads to find and liquidate the ransom gangs.
That link you provided is excellent.
And that takes only a simple majority in Congress to change.
Some of the measures you cite are irrelevant to quality of life. For example, there’s only a weak correlation between rates of home ownership and overall quality-of-life metrics. For example, Switzerland scores high on quality of life measures but has quite a low home-ownership rate. The converse also applies. And savings rate can be driven by fear of post-requirement income insecurity, and average credit card debt matters less than the cost of borrowing (if your card providers only charge 2% a year, that’s a different picture than if they charge 25%).
Though your general observation still holds: the media (and politicians) focus on a small number of metrics that aren’t relevant to most people’s lives. You just have to be selective about what additional metrics you want to add to the mix.
GINI, GDP and PPP combined can get you at least a rough estimate.
There are a number of general-welfare measures. Median inflation-adjusted income is a good one, then you can break that into deciles if you want more detail. The GINI coefficient gives a measure of income and/or wealth inequality within a society. Or if you want more effects-based metrics, there are all kinds of quality-of-life and satisfaction indices, with different relative weights for different contributing factors.
Look how long it took for (most) slavery to be abolished. Don’t give up so easily, then they win.