We got ours just a week or two before seeing him for what he is. It sucks and we can’t afford to ditch the car.
I really think the people that work at Tesla have done a great job making a very affordable car that works well. I can only imagine that the disgust I feel towards the asshat and to the association with this car pales in comparison to what the people who designed and built it feel. 120,000 people work for Tesla.
I don’t see how, but it’d be better if we could separate the 13% shareholding asshat from the company rather than destroy it. It’s a shitty situation.
edit: by ‘affordable’ I’m looking at total cost of owership, which was significantly less than a new Prius. Also, I’m in a snowbelt, used cars are a bad idea here. (can ya feel the defensiveness?, ug)
And the Dems are, mostly, still too safe. They need to start fighting while they still have a chance of stopping the insanity.
Step 1: Schumer needs to step down.