Just crushing up a Benjamin to inject this motherfucker right into my vein
Just crushing up a Benjamin to inject this motherfucker right into my vein
Yea a baseline is good. But not allowing belligerent misappropriation of someone else’s money for your own illicit gain as OP says. You think stealing from businesses is ok too?
loool is the right winger in the room with us now?
Classic cop-out. Not a right winger and not living in America.
I have actually experienced the “free” healthcare, unlike your pipedream. And if the American government works so beautifully as it does then I know if they ever tried it the system would be the most glorious disaster ever seen.
Take it from me, you’re better off leaving the US of A then ever seeing a good-working system.
Why do they deserve it?
Someone has to pay for it. Also the “free” healthcare isn’t what it’s hyped to be. Have fun waiting for near eternity or being denied a hip replacement.
People want things for free without consequence
I’m Jewish so it’s not possible. But cool story bro.
Good thing I’m not defending any neo-Nazis
Well, as a Jew, I haven’t seen anything else from Elon that’s emblematic of being a Nazi. Sure, he has some right wing beliefs, but those were pretty centrist ideals prior to the past decade. And I have encountered real neo-Nazis who have wished death upon my [k expletive] ass and attempted doxing. I think Elon is just an awkward person in general, but I’m not buying into the stats quo hype that he’s some neo-fascist, Hitler sympathizer. That’s just my opinion. You’re welcome to believe what you want too 👍
Yea agreed, but not Lemmy or Mastodon. Or, really anything with ActivityPub as these places are an echo chamber filled with trigger happy jannies who will ban you from a community if you have a differing of opinion to their groupthink.
I mean, not exactly. His new EO doesn’t strike down Caitlyn’s name. But I get their point. Just wish it was factually correct.
Guns are for pussies - 311
Why would any country want those with violent criminal records? Especially, if they’re illegal.
Far right is not mutually exclusive to Nazism
bruh i am an atheist but u need god