This is merely about protecting established players in the industry. Let them compete.
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
This is merely about protecting established players in the industry. Let them compete.
Why would you write something like this?
I’ve played each game and they are all awesome.
It’s for the best. The series deserves better than live service.
Imperfect need not be the enemy of good. Failure to combat disinformation is absolutely a path to tyranny, and a lie going halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on is effectively censorship if the truth comes out only by the time the public has lost interest.
Yes, there are problems combating it, but we have to show up to the fight somehow. I’ll take a fallible fact checking system over none at all, because the court of public opinion makes a poor fact checker.
It’s hardly about US economic interest so much as the interests of a small in-crowd. See: tariffs.
I’m OK with this risk. The incredible rise of stupid arguments that we attempt to treat as equal for consideration is unreasonable. If we want to continue having meaningful discourse, we have to remove disinformation.
This meme implies they even considered the possibility of paying a fair wage.
Looks like a monopoly to me. That’s practically admitting that they believe consumers don’t have sufficient choice, and they’d rather not compete.
It’s not even the technology you’re actually battling. It’s those in positions who would use it to oppress you.
Proof of care that is banned?
How long before you need a Doohicky license, and they just don’t issue Doohickey licenses because it’s not a real. Just submit form G8–217. OK, where do I get the form? That’s the neat part, you don’t!
It’s almost like it was never about the price of eggs.
I don’t have a problem with boot loaders doing cryptographic checks in general, as long as the ultimate decision lies with the device owner.
Gotta make them fear for their jobs. Keep the workers in line.
I’m sorry but advertisements are too often a vehicle for scams and malware. It’s not merely a preference. They pose a very real danger due to a lack of enforcement of good advertising policies and ethics.
Would you think that maybe the feature set implemented by modern web browsers has grown too large? Perhaps we need to start dropping some features to keep the web browser design lean.
I bet it would take a long time for that body to rot.