Oh you.
Oh you.
Good for you! Keep up the good work. Hopefully people will vote for the initaitives you need to make all that happen.
Guaranteed apathy? I think there’s a very considerable effort on the part of conservatives to prevent liberal politics from existing, and that can be pretty draining, but apathy itself is homegrown. No one can “give” someone apathy, but they can keep them down and out enough to get them to create it themselves.
That’s where the participation part comes in again. If you want to just keep getting rolled, do nothing.
Well . . . there are some similarities to that yeah.
Yeah I get it. It’s just, wrong. Provably, empirically, identifiably wrong. But I understand how people can feel that way. They don’t know.
I’d be interested to know what the Republican justification is for this…
Oh, I have that here somehwere, let me see . . . uhh . . I think it’s under these papers here . . one second . . . ahhhhhh . . Yeah . . . yep . . .okay here it is. *ahem*
“We’re complete fucking assholes.”
And not a single bit of this would matter at all if YOU PEOPLE* would just know a damned thing!
*present company excepted, of course.
So . . . I have an idea.
Sadly, we’ve been saying this for 50 years. Outlook not so good.
What is the Streisand effect?
Yes he is. But if he wasn’t, someone else would be. The point being the only way these pieces of shit are allowed any power is because we don’t understand - as a populace - how media works. It’s not part of our processing of input. And so, propaganda works, it can’t be countered and the only way to defeat it will never be taught.
No vote is worthless. It’s worth one vote at least, and potentially much more.
I’m not sure how you mean exactly, but okay. The political system is a result of the voting. If non-voters expect to gain faith via these latest results, i’d argue that is also poorly reasoned.
And how does not voting help that? And howd you get to 50%?
Cool cool cool.
Believe it or not, generation after generation of American citizens understood that it was their right and duty to vote. And to defend that right.
But a few months ago a whole slew of people right here happily waxed vitriolic about how voting itself was “collusion” and “supported genocide” and other insane shit, and thanks in no small part to them we are now going to get screwed at every level - corporate, governmental, societal - every day, for years.
intentionally not voting when one can, is definitely a cause.
Well, for one, we can foster a sense of civic duty to vote.
For two, we can focus on rideshares, ways to make voting by mail easier, things like that to remove obstacles to voting
For three, we can focus on defeating the evil measures set into law by generations of republiQans to prevent people from voting such as voter ID laws (although that horse has probably left the barn), robo calls, gerrymandering, challenging voter eligibility, things like that.
Those are three main areas that will help people vote. The Democrats are on board with all of them. The republiQans are actively working to demolish all of them. If someone wants to vote for Jill Stein or their gramma or something - fine, we can argue about that later. At least it’s participation in the fundamentals of democracy.