believing instance url means anything is beyond stupid
believing instance url means anything is beyond stupid
I think it’s time you woke up and smelled the roses.
Is there a project to quickly scrape and rssify and website?
That’s pretty bold for a really fucking useless search engine. The EU could just block it and redirect to a gov run searxng instange and everyone in europe would be better off overniggt
Hmm, let’s not do that. I wonder what should be written on the casing for Musk’s?
Can’t stand the no freedom of speech, but I understand they can’t have it because that would become a CIA backdoor to overthrow their leadership and also winnie the ping has let state capitalist run rampant. Ringing the lifeforce out of the populace in a way that would make Jeff Bezos proud, and erect. But you can’t deny that, for an expansionnist fashistic budding empire, they do have their shit together and trains running on time and so on.
I’m starting to think the usa military won’t be able to kill them all in a day and then starve everyone by sinking all their food and oil ships.
Also trying out his new tribe’s favorite passtime, projection
It is an horrible ecosystem that could very well end the era of the personnal computer. I type this on an arm device which I cannot ever be root on. Arm has been the biggest rollback in user freedom since windows 10.
People who desperate, on their knees and have no other choice.
There’s probably a way to redirect without validation. Only respond to port 80 if needed, then redirecr. Sure the browser might complain a little but it’s not as bad as invalid cert.