Profit. They just want to milk as much money as possible. That’s the end.
Profit. They just want to milk as much money as possible. That’s the end.
Anarchists too. Make sure the police and prisons are all shutdown too. Just keep EMS on payroll.
Microsoft is facepalming
It helps me make pretty images very easily tho
Site doesn’t load.
While Dudek did not elaborate on what outsourcing “nonessential functions” will look like, according to The Bulwark, Martin O’Malley, who led the agency under former President Joe Biden, warned that it could involve automation and the use of artificial intelligence to replace call centers staffed by people trained to help seniors and other beneficiaries sort out complex problems.
Oh my god
Non voters too.
Itll be brondo
I think it means 10 pieces glued together
That’s extremely thick toilet paper
I don’t think that man wants to be in a room with someone smarter than him on live TV
Free software is the antithesis of capitalism. It doesn’t make sense to boycott them.
I think the majority
Jesus you sound like fucking billionares complaining about high taxes. Or conservatives complaining about the price of gasoline going up.
This is a good thing. Stop fucking buying eggs. You don’t need them.
The people are not. The capitalist leaders are. If the US were a democracy, the pro-genocide candidates wouldn’t win.
The problem is that the anti-genocide candidates never appear on the ballot in all 50 States. And they get arrested for trying to appear on the nationally televized candidate debates.
You realize he is the candidate for change, right?
Put a progressive on the ballot calling for change, and they’ll win by a landslide. That’s why the Democrats keep loosing.
And yet the majority of people eligible to vote dont want him in office. What does that tell you?
Christian fascist police State*
No, he just pardoned a bunch of heavily armed malitia supporters so he won’t have to run again.