A knock on the noggin with an ornate walking stick would have been fine too.
A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.
A knock on the noggin with an ornate walking stick would have been fine too.
Or are a bit too slow to keep up.
They could have not voted for his nominees and fought every single one with mountains of procedural bullshit.
They could have charged the treasury building instead of standing politely outside.
Of course I get all that but I will not believe them until they actually do it.
I am straight up calling the Dems cowards who lack the balls to do anything bold at all.
I am willing and hopeful to believe I am overly cynical but dang, look at that track record.
Are they going to count down from three before they do it, so we know they mean it this time?
I think a clear distinction to make might be:
“Tech” as used in this sense is the industrial complex around mobile and web technologies dominated by a few players who might just be evil.
“Technology” is, of course, everything you mentioned and more. A rock that fits nicely in your hand becomes technology when used to crack a coconut.
It’s a weird linguistic murkiness, isn’t it?
“I think that’s a good idea.”
“You do? Then we’ll make it work.”
Sick burn
What! My outie loves Severance.
I can’t locate this community using search on the term ‘severance’.
Do you mind sharing the instance and community name?
Praise Kier!
Hard agree! I do think fediverse platforms are perfect for public entities to disseminate information.
I’m US based so my example is say a county. They already have the IT infrastructure and staff. Make an instance for the county and a community for each department.
The road department can post road closures and upcoming traffic diversions. The parks department can promote events, etc.
These type of instances can just disable comments. They are read-only so moderation is not needed.
It’s trivial from a resource perspective and even easier than updating a website.
It is a feature, not a problem.
I have, like, this whole rich life offline. My curated list of instances and communities (plus my user block list) is just my entertainment and a small portion of my day.
You may not believe this but I have numerous thoughts, activities and interactions that never leave a trace online. I have no obligation to drink from the firehose that is being pumped from the septic tank of the human psyche.
Because it’s not a good faith argument. People like that hate the idea there’s a social contract and like to pretend it doesn’t exist.
I must agree with the early comments, this is dangerous bullshit and also a very old tactic.
I take it even further and remind myself: All polls are push-polls. You don’t go to the trouble to do a survey unless you have an agenda to push.
Your proposal is much too streamlined.
Perhaps you presume memes are a commodity of which consumption should be maximized!
Nay, I say. Memes are an essential nutrient that becomes toxic in larger doses.
Thus, they must be scattered about in the environment to be encountered by happenstance whilst I pursue my main information foraging goal of finding ad hoc justification for my durable sense of dread.
Memes, uhh, find a way.
Do whatever you want but I am planning many epic shitposts pretty much anywhere I can get a reaction.
‘Martial law’.
Marshall law is when they let that tall whiny guy from How I met Your Mother call the shots.
“Ok these things are on fire. <gestures broadly at everything>
I put these two out already but they are smouldering hard so keep an eye on them.
Kevin is your support today, he’s here crying in the walk-in cooler, just give him a minute.
Good luck!”
Or bears.
Or buttsex.
It’s context dependent, like “cool”.
A Christian nationalist is no better than a Nazi. If your beliefs don’t leave room for other people to live, you can never be on the ‘right’ side.
It will be me. You have freedom of speech. I am also free to ignore, mock or ostracize you if you spout hateful nonsense near me.