You can have shit software in any language ✨
You can have shit software in any language ✨
Halo 2 is famously the most difficult legendary campaign in the entire series 😅
are you playing on PC? I think you said you were. Have you tried using Steam’s built in game recording/clipping feature? You coulda grabbed a sick cinematic clip of your flying chopper! Godspeed Chief o7
I leveled with him today and said that I was really disappointed about our conversation and I wanted to talk about it more. I approached them from a place of wanting to understand their position but also make sure they had all the information. I presented everything calmly w wide ranging sources from PBS to the Cato Institute. It’s just a straight up bad idea to deport these people. I showed him that the Heritage Foundation had no actual fact or statistics on their website to support their claims – just that illegals are illegal – he found that compelling.
He ended up saying he was not super informed and that there’s so much propaganda and information overload that it feels like we can’t even know what’s real. Everyone’s lying or has an agenda. I totally get it.
We both got a lot out of it. I think it’s worth it to try engaging with people who are actually willing.
I talked to a friend about the deportations and he said he “doesn’t care” because they “broke the law.” I showed how it will hurt us economically, how these people aren’t committing crimes, how it will hurt real human beings. He said he didn’t care. I don’t know how to deal with that. This action will only create pain for everyone, hell even the elites may be minutely inconvenienced by it… why are we doing it?
Some people are legitimately so simple that “no paperwork == deportation” even if it means death and suffering. Even when they know that the “right way” to come here takes a decade and is too costly. It’s like humans have forgotten how to feel empathy. If I sat these people at the border and had them talk to the desperate mothers and fathers and children, would they be moved? How do you reason with someone that legitimately thinks “I don’t care if people die over paperwork”
It feels like we’re gleefully goose stepping toward “just following orders” and it’s horrific.
My friend and I tried to do Halo 1 legendary as a duo. There’s a level earlyish on where elites with invisibility and plasma swords flood your small room. After the second hour jiggle peeking those fuckers with plasma pistols, we finally cleared the room and moved on, only to enter a second room where elites with plasma swords and invisibility poured in 🥲
We have since given up lol
I think that was a good read. I think the problem I have is that if I look back at my 20 year old self or my 23-year-old self, I see someone that was extremely self assured but had almost 0 real world experience or context for decision-making about very important things.
I think it is disingenuous to absolve them of all blame, but I don’t think it’s inappropriate to say that it’s not surprising that they are young men given how easy it would be for someone who should be a role model to influence them. Elon Musk’s team is young so he can control them
Some of these are almost photorealistic if you squint! Your friend being false jump scared then real jump scared is hilarious
Of course I agree, but I said I wasn’t sure his actions were strictly unconstitutional.
Reading further, it seems I’m wrong:
Listen I hate Trump and basically everything he stands for. However, the executive has wide latitude in doling out, dividing up, and distributing funds. Congress writes a check and it’s up to the executive to implement the plan. The executive is a gigantic sprawling bureaucracy that exists as a necessity because Congress writes laws in “broad” strokes and leaves the minutiae up to the many executive agencies.
is this horrific? Yes. Is it unconstitutional? I have significant doubt
e: from another comment I made
Reading further, it seems I’m wrong:
Agree with the sentiment, but things being pretend or made up doesn’t mean that you have to ignore them or that they are trivial. It’s probably good to recognize that Nazism doesn’t exist in the vacuum of the cold universe, but is a uniquely human endeavor that does not need to exist because we are the ones that spoke it into existence. We have the power to shape reality for the best
But it’s so yummy and bitter and good for u 🥺
12ish it begins here. I figured they were about that age or a little younger. Either way, other than actual pornography and gratuitous graphic violence, there isn’t much under the sun I think kids shouldn’t read at school. Sex in books is ok – that’s what people do
I read it in middle school and it was one of my favorite books for years after. The topics are not too adult for school. We should obviously protect children, but prudishness and politics should not dictate school libraries
see, this is what is being pointed out in the meme. Children are exposed to violence and sexuality every single day. Just because children shouldn’t be committing violence or having sex doesn’t mean they can’t read about it or know about it. Also how fucking ridiculous is it that we place violence and sex in the same sentence w similar weight.
at least the cat stretched its legs once or twice whereas the cows were stuck in torturous positions their entire miserable life, steeped in their own shit on the verge of suffocation due to crowding. its all fucked
I have a novice programmer friend who created an app with authentication with AI. It used create-react-app (deprecated for years now) and had him roll his own OAuth layer manually with Express. When you refresh, you get logged out.
It’s an awesome project to learn some skills, but only a seasoned programmer would know to never roll your own auth, or to not use CRA, etc.
We are in for some interesting times.
Some R’s have spoken out: