Pretty sure that’s Red Skull, a literal Nazi.
Pretty sure that’s Red Skull, a literal Nazi.
The joke in my house is that dad is allergic to leftovers. Doesn’t matter if it’s from eating out or something we’ve made at the house. He’s also a pretty bad cook, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Even my “It was about states’ rights” History teacher didn’t have a Confederate flag. So, get bent Utah.
Which is what I said and then posted links to articles that backed that up.
But it’s not camouflage. It’s a body temperature regulation method.
Lost it in his right ear first and adapted to rely only on his right ear?
Music is inherently human. To not enjoy music is not even a human existence. You lack music, so your life is lacking.
You must lead a sad existence. No music? I’d rather be dead.
Pedalling would be for a bicycle and the like.
I’d love a remake. Not on the level as FFVII or Residential Evil. But just polish some of the rougher edges would be nice.
A fascist orange felon who has had closed door meetings with tyrants.
I don’t think Diet Coke was ever meant to taste like Coke. My conspiracy theory is when New Coke bombed, they rebranded it as Diet Coke when they brought back “classic Coke.” I just prefer the flavor of diet coke.
If diet Pepsi is your #2, your taste buds are broken.
The felon’s hands are too big.
That’s a spicy meatball!
Is this new or novel? Every gas station I remember from growing up had these next to the condom vending dispensers. Even Wal-Mart had them.
You mean the solider who saw what happens when a list of everyone who is considered “other” is ordered and maintained by a government? All because, Tony “I am a gift to God” Stark and Bruce “Couldn’t Say No” Banner created a nigh unstoppable police force with no oversight?