Imagine we made this into the privacy key that, by default, launches your distro’s privacy settings.
How’s that for subverting MS’s intent?
Imagine we made this into the privacy key that, by default, launches your distro’s privacy settings.
How’s that for subverting MS’s intent?
Give Nextcloud AIO a shot. I installed bare metal the first time, but AIO has decreased my maintenance burden to next to nothing. Before that, it felt like every update would break my system. I’m a year or two into my transition from Linux nerd to self-hoster. I still fail at things on occasion, but I have learned a lot. I hope it goes as well or even better for you.
I would argue that “bureaucratic overhead” is missing in companies at least as much as it is excess in governments. These double checks and regulations help guard against things like companies externalizing environmental and health impacts. They also act as a check on tendencies towards consolidation (or rather should). Consequently, companies appear to operate more efficiently, but we will have to pay to clean up and handle their externalities eventually.
Do they have employees on H1B? If so, that may be why they haven’t jumped ship for less-Nazified pastures. Not excusing anyone, just striving to understand.