Well, in this case you support the side that will fuck it up even more for Palestinians. But you know, at least we all can “enjoy” your moral superiority.
Well, in this case you support the side that will fuck it up even more for Palestinians. But you know, at least we all can “enjoy” your moral superiority.
Yup. if they are same on this issue, people should have had the 95 other aspects where they are different. But again to quote another Lemmy user, “You won’t reason someone out of a viewpoint they’ve never reasoned themselves into in the first place”
Competition from thinking machines is concerning, but happy for my Fremen.
My thread! Finally!
And it’s incidentally the closest ASCII character to a swastika
Did you read the article?
Your point is taken poorly because you raise issue with people giving deservedly nonsensical interpretations to a nonsensical definition, while giving a pass on WH calling their definition an “incontrovertible biological truth”.
Dorian Gray’s dilemma.
winning what? debates? you mean reasoning with a pigeon?
Hey MD: The fact that appointments we pay a bunch of money for are only 15 minutes is pretty fucked up in a lot of cases.
It is messed up, I agree. You can’t address much in 15 min. What you don’t necessarily see is the BS administrative burden that also comes with visits that may or may not be factored in to the face-to-face encounter duration.
Oh, and the fact that you all can cancel on us at the last minute with no problem, but if we cancel we get charged is absolute bullshit.
Not every practice does charge for cancellation. But if someone reviews your chart before the visit and you cancel the same day or night before, you might actually end up wasting provider time. Just an FYI.
And he doesn’t get convicted and he’ll campaign on how nasty the Dems are. An impeachment without conviction is a “win”.
The WH accidentally invented Schrödinger’s Sex.
Of course it’s also wrong because unlike dead/alive sex is a bimodally distributed continuum we binarize for simplicity. Also, don’t look up the Schrödinger dude’s sexual preferences because you’ll puke. But that stays on brand too.
he is a digital frotteur (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frotteurism). at the same time this is where everyone should draw the line.
yup. a good PCP is hard to find, and even harder to keep in America.
Not universal, but absolutely common, unfortunately. The standard is 30 minutes for returns and 60 for news, but in private practice they tend to cut it much shorter.
I know this is a popular notion, but have you guys thought about:
Many people have no transportation, and it’s even harder to make it on time if one’s sick, so it’s just the right thing to try to squeeze in those who are late, but y’all can’t have it both ways.
source: am MD. And yeah I rather run late but see everybody and address everything I can, than finish on time and help nobody/few.
Can you point me to the part of the text where they provide clarification from a biological standpoint? This language sets up the interpretation: “the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female […] grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality”. So if this is an “incontrovertible reality” then why do people have such an easy time refuting it?
Which gives me flashbacks about having to learn the specific adrenal enzyme dysfunctions that lead to erroneous sex-assignments at birth. But again, I don’t think people need biology degrees to have an understanding of this and I’d like society to stop trying to give “good faith” interpretations to texts that are explicitly written in bad faith.
s clearly indicates the ‘belonging’ occurs ‘at conception’, not the production of disparately sized cells. When the production occurs is not specified at all and nothing in the definition depends upon when it occurs, merely that it does at some point. This creates it own set of problems, but not the ones everyone is pointing and laughing
Firstly, I have an MD and would have never commented on this without reading the specific text from the WH. Med school curricula cover this in molecular biology, embryology, medical genetics, pediatrics and obstetrics, and endocrinology.
Secondly, the definition implies that zygotes can be classified as male/female at conception, which they obviously cannot be without further clarification. Your “good faith” reasoning is that you can retrospectively make that assignment, but there are no criteria to determine how that assignment ultimately happens, which therefore requires additional layers of “good faith” reasoning. Which takes us back to, yeah, the WH definition is hot garbage.
You’re talking about genotype. They define sex based on phenotype. It assumes that the genotype can only be binary (it can be X0, XXY, XYY etc). It also assumes that genotype equates with phenotype, which is also wrong given in utero hormonal exposures, testosterone insensitivity, etc.
The WH definition makes no sense for anybody familiar with biology beyond 10th grade level.
this one gets it. This is exactly how Viktor Orban’s system works.