Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on

Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • palordrolap@fedia.iotoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPEMDAS
    4 days ago

    PEMDAS/BODMAS/[your local variant here] is an important part of the grammar of a language that is surprisingly common and it may be useful to be able to communicate using it some day.

    This applies to more orthodox languages as well. You can often get by just fine and live your entire life without knowing any of the minority languages in your country, but there may be occasions where it would be really useful to be able to communicate with someone in one of them.

  • Any conclusions drawn from a child’s personality can’t necessarily then be applied to a parent. Hannah Montana Linux was ultimately a Debian, but it was so far from stock Debian that the comparison makes no sense. The same, I assume, applies with the Arch-derivative that runs on Steam decks. We’re not in Arch-kansas any more, Toto.

    The closest to “Windows with nerdnip” is probably Linux Mint, but even then that’s a fairly unkind comparison.

    I use LMDE, btw.

  • I don’t get these often, but when I do, trying to point my toes at my chin often helps. Very occasionally that doesn’t feel right and I know to point my toes the other way before I pay for making that choice.

    If the bedclothes are tight or heavy and I’m under them, they can be used to hold the foot in place until the moment passes. Or until I have to get out of bed to writhe around or try something, anything else.

    I don’t remember the last time the toe pointing thing didn’t work though. Maybe I just don’t get really bad ones.

  • A disturbing number of people think that computers are magic* and therefore whatever comes out of them is automatically not only correct, but the best possible form of correct.

    And if they pay money for access to something that runs on a computer, most of them will double down on that belief until it ruins them.

    * or logical, or mathematical or some other grand attribute. “Infallible” is a good one.

    And you’ll get people in high sales and marketing places who know it’s a fallacy, successfully con others with it, but also fall victim to it when it comes from outside their sphere of influence.

    Humans™: We’re really not all that far from flinging our faeces at each other.

  • One day, the fish will discover a scratch on the inside of the bowl, and will then rediscover it in a different orientation with respect to the general orientation of everything else on subsequent cycles.

    What I can’t be sure of is whether this will cause a realisation of the truth or a more entrenched and complicated world view of the sort I can’t yet fathom.

  • The Fediverse is also a sewer of both overt and covert Antisemitism

    Is this a problem unique to the Fediverse, or is this a case that it’s more rampant here? Or does it only seem like it?

    My feeds are fairly well curated, or perhaps you might say “blinkered”, so I don’t see a lot of it. Or maybe I don’t see what’s right in front of me, which is why I ask, since you definitely see it better than I can.

    (This is not an attempt at a bad faith argument; I’m firmly anti-anti-Semitism, and I’m not saying it’s not there. Frankly, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t any. Anywhere there’s people, their prejudices generally follow.)

  • It’s an even-numbered Star Trek movie. They followed a pattern for a while where they were the good ones and if you were going to skip one, you skipped the odd numbered ones, even the first. Especially the first.

    As for recommend, it depends how much you love / know the characters. I grew up on re-runs of the 60s TV show and am pretty sure I saw it for the first time at the cinema. That would have been a couple of years before TNG was even a thing, so my opinion might not mean much even then.

    But yeah, sure. Watch it on a grey rainy afternoon with friends or family when you’ve nothing else to do. Trust me when I say that specific weather outside will definitely add to the experience.

  • palordrolap@fedia.iotoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSame BS every year
    11 days ago

    Hahaha no. That would be too easy. Americans, please correct me if I get any of this wrong:

    The IRS knows how much tax each American owes, but each American has to fill in a needlessly complicated and obscurely worded form (or set of forms) outlining their incomings and outgoings and then calculate the tax they owe for themselves, and then take steps to pay that amount.

    And if they get it wrong they are punished.

    There’s software that helps with the needlessly complicated paperwork, but the company that makes it is in cahoots with the IRS, and so buying a copy or hiring an accountant are all-but necessary to get it right and not be punished.

    This is largely the reason it stays the way it is, because an entirely unnecessary industry is being propped up by the struggles of American taxpayers.

    Oh and sometimes the IRS gets their internal calculations wrong, and if you don’t get what they got, you have many, many hoops to jump through to prove that what you did was right and what they did was wrong.

    The American Dream™