Sure. Is this better? No. It was still the wrong call. Vote with your brain, not your dick.
Sure. Is this better? No. It was still the wrong call. Vote with your brain, not your dick.
Stop crying and take accountability.
I don’t have a party. Voters had all the information they needed, and they chose poorly.
Don’t deny voters their agency by saying they can’t make wrong choices. They can and did. They made a stupid choice for idiotic reasons, and will get nothing but suffering for it. There are situations in life where feeling deeply and unconditionally ashamed of your own idiocy is the correct course of action, and this is one of them.
Really? It’s worthy of ridicule to say voters are responsible for the results of their votes? Sophistry.
Voters should be criticized, they made a stupid decision for stupid reasons. Every person has personal accountability and responsibility.
That was always contrived and you know it.
Only the mind of a child could think of the idea that the two are mutually exclusive.