Have we already forgotten the plot of “Superman III”?
Have we already forgotten the plot of “Superman III”?
That display had some cool features that were underutilized — like an s-video port for video camera capture. Also some of the best sound to come out of an Apple monitor.
But I don’t know that I would call this a”console”.
I never understood the choice to put a flowchart on the front of this one. 😆
Why does there have to be just one? So many consoles are awesomely designed and reflect their eras well. I’m partial to colecovision and the Intellivision II. The redesign of the intellivision had an entire suite of peripherals to match the new design, including a musical keyboard.
Sometimes. There are shows where the music is leaned on way too heavily to convey the story instead of letting the actors just act. It’s super annoying. Especially when there isn’t a moment without music throughout the entire thing.
And you were clever.
States have “official” everything. It’s a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Didn’t he say just the other day that this was “all just a joke”? Make up your damned mind weirdo.
Separate your church and state, bitch.
Why are media outlets so complicit in all of this? Headline makes it sound like this was planned all along. Change “admits” to “claims” and you have a more accurate story.
I’ve certainly stopped donating after receiving multiple spam text messages from Democrats fundraising off the current crisis we’re in. It’s crass how they’re being so opportunistic.
If you text “stop” or block them, they just keep coming from some other phone number.
Cute. But that’s not the circus. The circus is stuff like football games, celebrity gossip, and reality TV. It’s designed to entertain and distract while the world around you is on fire.
This is a Trump administration problem. They’re the ones encouraging Elon to run wild.
Your definition of “rolling over” is different than mine.
What would you have them do differently when the warrants issued are valid in the legal sense/approved by a judge?
I’ll believe in the backlash if Dems sweep the 2026 elections.
With a warrant. Fortunately end to end encryption is still available in the US (for now).
Reminds me of “Keep your government hands off my Medicare."
These people vote hard R and then act shocked when their benefits get cut.
I know people who voted for Trump because they thought these tax cuts would apply to them. With them not being super rich, it’s never going to happen. Can’t convince them otherwise though.
If Microsoft and Windows phone couldn’t do it, I have my doubts. And Windows phone 7/8 was actually a good product.