Not just a modern issue, this applies historically as well.
Hitler didn’t get elected Chancellor; he was appointed by a liberal as an attempt at compromise.
Not just a modern issue, this applies historically as well.
Hitler didn’t get elected Chancellor; he was appointed by a liberal as an attempt at compromise.
They tasted the tiniest bit of power, and now it’s all they crave.
Chrono Trigger (Probably the best JRPG ever made, or even the best game ever made)
Terranigma (Very philisophical action RPG that also happens to be a lot of fun)
Silent Hill (The vibes alone make this one, but it also has a great story)
DOOM (This one should be obvious)
Majora’s Mask (An emotional powerhouse of a game)
Also pick any mainline console Mario game that came out between 1985 and 1996 (not including The Lost Levels, but including US SMB 2)
Super Mario Land 2
Pokemon 2nd gen
All GOAT, but all for different reasons.
You do realize that’s a medical term, right?
Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah, I don’t like that at all.
I use Tubular (Newpipe with Sponsorblock) from polymorphicshade, though lol.
Been a NewPipe user since the very first alpha
Yeah, but at least it’s source available :P
Non-commercial clause, for those who are curious.
Jolly Roger bay