It takes years to recommission or build a nuclear plant so this cancellation must involve some other factors.
It takes years to recommission or build a nuclear plant so this cancellation must involve some other factors.
The Hebrew Hammer ain’t going to seed itself
“The guillotines are in temporary storage.” - France
“The guillotines are in temporary storage.” - France
The trick of to have a net worth of at least $10M. It’s easy after that
“We are willing to ignore and downplay the ethical concerns as long as the money keeping coming in”
The Trump voters replied that we’re in a constitutional crisis because they believed we were (and still are) in one from the Biden administration. They believe Trump hasn’t fixed the crisis yet.
While I appreciate the criteria for including a bun, this infographic opened up the option for no bun.
I like the way you think
Are those eggs washed?
Thanks for replying. What does “shuckled” mean?
So if seagate isn’t an option, and WD isn’t an option because of the SMR bait and switch, what hard drives are recommended?
As a viceroy, I am highly offended.
You deescalate just as effectively as most police. I’m sure your addition to the discourse will help to bring people towards your viewpoint.
What’s the most “mainstream” peertube instance? All I’ve seen is niche gaming stuff. Is there an instance that is more of a youtube replacement?
Once they hone in the drivers the 5080 will run circles around the 4090.
Does this also mean better battery life during suspend?
Because the weight of all that child rape