Your title leaves a fuck tonne of information out. This info is specific to girls being taken out of the country and the spoon is suppose to trigger the metal detectors at the airport.
Your title leaves a fuck tonne of information out. This info is specific to girls being taken out of the country and the spoon is suppose to trigger the metal detectors at the airport.
You got the rockstar one wrong, it’s an actual programming language.
Promise everything, deliver just short of something, then charge people for the rest of the comment in DLC style payments.
Does badly count as a way?
I kinda keep an eye on that https://selfh.st/ post that does a weekly roundup of stuff to know when I need to do patching.
No doubt there is a container I could run that would do it for me. I just can’t remember the name of it.
Cracktorio is a hell of a drug.
No-one can.
Greedflation comes for all.
Everyone online is a bot except for you.
Have you seen the shit they have to deal with to get qualified?
Imagine you got your driver’s licence only yo then have to get a sub license to drive a Holden Astra, but your partner to has a sub license for a Holden Commodore. You can’t drive each others car.
That is what pilots are like in some spots. Just because you can fly a Boeing 777 doesn’t mean you can also fly a 787 or 747
As long as you aren’t blaming “the network” or “the firewall” without cause.
Editing excel spreadsheet? VI
Or your friends start getting sweaty.
Removing old features so we can bring them back as paid features later on.
Ewww T568B.
The vendor is also to blame, being able to use a default accounts after Initial provisioning is pretty bad.
Yea no shit. There will always be people on both sides who support horrific things.