So when is he gonna draw the last bits of the swastika for all his X brands?
So when is he gonna draw the last bits of the swastika for all his X brands?
Just dont h8 it
If you think technology isnt analogous with socio-political development then you have definitely missed a huge point in the tech-sphere.
Technology is not your friend. It will consume you, destroy you, and ultimately replace you. Not in a philosophical way, but rather literal sadly.
It’s not a new thought, decades old.
If you do not want to be aware, please close your eyes. Life will eventually force them awake.
The actual protections that have been actively worked to be dismantled constantly.
Yes they voted for him. The video game plot is irrelevant, they just talked about directing the people’s consciousness by censoring and selectively allowing information. The same thing most federated social networks are actively trying to escape, the algorithm.
In the game an AI chose what was right and wrong, creating context in a desirable light. Whether or not this article is right, it is a very real thing that is going on in the world. Not with AI, but any social media platform can skew their platform algorithms to alter what is in the populace’s consciousness.
The same way TV has been used for decades.
Yeah, the thing about this article is that it’s extremely possible. Something even metal gear solid 2 predicted before we even reached this point.
It makes sense, essentially by remaining oblivious and reductive about one act you can then allow yourself to also be blind to your own current amoral actions. Essentially it’s easier to stay dense than it is to actually face the reality you are a part of.