He asked grok bc he certainly doesn’t know. Fucking clown.
He asked grok bc he certainly doesn’t know. Fucking clown.
That’s how they get you.
I thin some nerd just wanted everyone that uses it to say “dick.”
That has to be an easy hack or workaround though, right?
I can play them on my Steam Deck. Just fyi.
That’s awesome. I finally just got back into it so I could do the Phantom Liberty stuff. Enjoy your playthrough, choom!
I wonder if I can still get it from some shady corner of the internet. I’d like to see this get Streisanded.
If you like your toast to be made of corn and unleavened, sure.
Heavy speculation and a lot of “if the console is able to run them well enough.”
I almost only play recycled (digital) games.
Bc they’re fun and easy to jump into,
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Super Dodgeball
If you’re looking to spend time/have a complete experience:
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest games ever made.
But if Bloomberg’s source is actually Elon or someone form Drumpf’s team, I’d have to assume it’s a lie.
Absolutely bonkers.
Haha! I was also abused.