Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Product of the times isn’t a great way to put it, but you can certainly make the argument that most people have shades of grey morality.

    Science can back you up, too, as I teach social psychology and when you dig in, you find that normative human nature is pretty complex but generally very supportive for in-group and mildly empathetic even with strangers. It’s only when you dehumanize a group do you get the worst behavior, and in all four cases you see that, be it slaves or indigenous people.

    When you look at those times, it’s people who recognized their humanity that ended up in the just side of history.

  • I mean, in so much as a single person representing a county goes. The first colonies were a mix of religious zealots, Virginian drug dealers (well, tobacco but that’s almost worse), and a little Dutch (who were quite active in slave trading at the time). Quickly got a few more from French and Spanish, too.

    However, the US also includes annexed Mexican territory (which has its own mixed history of subjegation and torture) and slews of different immigrant populations (with their own mixed intentions). A section of my own family is here cause they tried for Scottish independence, although there’s a good chance they were sent here for being belligerent drunks.

    That said, ain’t a single country on this earth without their fair share of bullshit. America is just a lovely mix of those assholes, honestly.

  • Hey, thanks for the 3DO shout-out, although I’m not sure it falls into the same category of failure. When my dad was getting his shit together (at least, somewhat together), he got to work with those guys before getting a more stable job. While it’s certainly true about FMV gaming, their demise in particular is attributed more to business practices, like utilizing costly third parties for hardware- ironic since they all seem to do that now.

    Many of their games hold up, though there aren’t very many and the only solid IPs got cross platform releases or ports (e.g. Gex) especially after it was clear 3DO was tanking. I think playing Star Control II on 3DO might have defined who I am as a gamer, and I highly recommend playing subsequent rereleases (it was PC only without 3DO!)

  • Ok, other guy got downvoted for this very same thought, but really, $250 a day seems like kinda a lot. I guess it you count taxes, maybe? Or maybe savings? Its weirdly too low for hyperbole but too high to sound right.

    My expenses with a morgage in a major city, utils, gas, daycare, transportation, insurance, food for four, and a little to savings… and even I don’t think we hit $250/day. Even without doing the math, that’s $7500 every 30 days, we definitely don’t make that much even before taxes.

    Oh wait, now I see, I spend jack shit on entertainment. A perk of being addicted to playing 20 year old games on emulators, I guess. If I had normal hobbies, yeah ok I can see how that’d probably be around $250 a day on average.

    Tl;dr, moral of my thought experiment, pirate the mother loving shit out of your entertainment. Arr!