Can you get polestar in the US?
Can you get polestar in the US?
I don’t know if it’s the same outside Europe, but you could get certified organic
Yeah that does actually sound pretty decent.
What do people use Facebook for these days? (I deleted my account about 10 years ago so I’m not sure what it’s for now)
No that decision is, for most people, made for them. You use the server provided for you by your ISP/work/university or the one that’s associated with logging into your smartphone.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it
US and Russia on one side, US, Europe and Canada on the other.
A lot of continental Europeans drink UHT which only needs refrigerating once opened.
Same, the closest I’ve come is I’ve looked at the holiday rota and gone “wow it’s literally just me and the manager in that week, probably best to book the week before or after”
Yeah. This isn’t the only time that marbles never have been used against police horses in the UK. I’m not sure if it was one of the first though.
Can’t really blame people with events like the Peterloo Massacre in our history.
All the little angels rise up, rise up.
All the little angels rise up high!
GNU Sir Terry
UK here - it’s common not to. I think they technically will last longer in the fridge, but they’re absolutely fine kept out.
Haha then how do you know which companies it’s even worth your time applying for?
Hybrid desks are where it’s at. As soon as I start to get uncomfortable sitting in up like a meer cat. Then twenty minutes or so later back down I go.
The only panel that’s wrong is the answer to “why this company in particular”
It should be “your company gives more currency in exchange for service than your competitor”
Working in an “essential job” meant I really missed out on the furlough holiday that most of my friends had.
That kind of thing I get. It’s the corporate mass produced side where they literally just repackage the same product and mark up the price that’s objectionable.
Switch Kids out for Wedding and triple the price.
They’ll have an election. You just won’t be allowed to vote against the glorious leader.
Or a marginally less cynical take, targeted voter surpression will mean that only republicans get elected president. So in four years they’ll get president Vance.