No. My point was that as Reddit became more mainstream, it became more conservative. As it became more conservative, more conservative spaces were created like the Donald and gamergate subs. And people and ideas from those spaces ended up seeping into other “non political” subs, like technology, gaming, movies, etc.
The amount of xenophobia, transphobia, anti-feminism, etc. I saw in general purpose subs grew post Digg migration, especially in gamer subs as gamergate happened in 2014.
Conservatism and centrist liberalism are the dominant political beliefs in the US, UK, and seemingly most of Europe too. Those voices will outnumber and browbeat leftist voices over time if they join an online platform en masse, in my experience.
Nah, I just find amusement in someone who ostensibly considers themselves political (volunteers for the Dems!) being affronted when accurately told that being leftist entails more than what talk about on NPR and NYT. Even the Wikipedia summary of leftism states the modern left is anti-capitalist and liberalism is “center-left” at best. It’s just an example of the allowed spectrum of opinion and an example of how much the politico class ignores political theory outside that spectrum.
And we push back on it because allowing the right wing, mainstream media, and liberal parties to define liberalism as the left is exactly what helps push the Overton window to the right.
Instead of running away when confronted with that fact and creating a space for centrists to feel more comfortable, maybe y’all could listen instead.