Better off being sent up to join Willzyx
Still a very green banana.
Better off being sent up to join Willzyx
fuck you Democrats
y’all have been nowhere when the minimum wage needed to be increased at least three times the current set limit just to start to put a dent in being able to afford to live and have rubbed shoulders with Republicans at celebrity filled galas while your voters begged for floor time to talk about current issues
even Roe v. Wade fell on your watch and Democrats never bothered to do much in the decades between when it was first ruled and now to begin with
nothing but empty promises about workers’ rights and universal healthcare
Democrats quit being a political party that serves the people a long time ago and some new face is not going to change anything
first actual uppity, entitled african american ever to exist
has either side upped the minimum wage, done universal healthcare, chosen workers over corporations, paid the jackboots less, upped the education funds, protected Mother Earth
then both sides are the same
both side are bought and paid for by the oligarchs
damn right a public leader needs to earn votes otherwise we get more Bidens and Trumps that think galas with celebs will do it
progressive democrats are oxymorons
In its racial categorisation, Nazism viewed what it called the Aryan race as the master race of the world—a race that was superior to all other races.[175] It viewed Aryans as being in racial conflict with a mixed race people, the Jews, whom the Nazis identified as a dangerous enemy of the Aryans. It also viewed a number of other peoples as dangerous to the well-being of the Aryan race. In order to preserve the perceived racial purity of the Aryan race, a set of race laws was introduced in 1935 which came to be known as the Nuremberg Laws. At first these laws only prevented sexual relations and marriages between Germans and Jews, but they were later extended to the “Gypsies, Negroes, and their bastard offspring”, who were described by the Nazis as people of “alien blood”.[176][177] Such relations between Aryans (cf. Aryan certificate) and non-Aryans were now punishable under the race laws as Rassenschande or “race defilement”.[176] After the war began, the race defilement law was extended to include all foreigners (non-Germans).[178] At the bottom of the racial scale of non-Aryans were Jews, Romanis, Slavs[179] and blacks.[180] To maintain the “purity and strength” of the Aryan race, the Nazis eventually sought to exterminate Jews, Romani, Slavs and the physically and mentally disabled.[179][181] Other groups deemed “degenerate” and “asocial” who were not targeted for extermination, but were subjected to exclusionary treatment by the Nazi state, included homosexuals, blacks, Jehovah’s Witnesses and political opponents.[181] One of Hitler’s ambitions at the start of the war was to exterminate, expel or enslave most or all Slavs from Central and Eastern Europe in order to acquire living space for German settlers.[182]
and back we go
how else would they put on the sham act of elections here in the United States?
Democrats are for the people and always fight on their side but the evil Republican villains blocked all their attempts to help
one side has to be “good” and the other “bad” otherwise the very thin veil of fog would lift and reveal the citizens are standing on one side of the gorge with the politicians of both sides on the other with the check writers pulling the strings
not caving but just part of the plan
look like the good party but in actuality just wolves in sheep’s clothing
same thing we got now
no women’s rights, mass deportations, ramping up fracking/gas production in the US, no raising the minimum wage, overfunded group of jackboots, no universal healthcare, high inflation especially on food/housing
citizens are only here to slave for the elite and have been since the start because to participate in this “democracy” you need a membership at the country club and that is way too high for citizens to be able to play
Biden and the Democrats are paid off too to act like they are in opposition to keep up this charade and sow division among the citizens
neither party is funded by the citizens and both parties are being funded by elites
of course not the blue states have to word their suppression laws differently
if both parties appeared to be the same then they could not continue this charade we call US elections
both parties are bought and paid for by the same oligarchs but if they acted like they were for the same thing then citizens would catch on even with an underfunded education system and we have to keep the bread and circuses going for as long as possible
Roe v. Wade fell on Biden’s watch btw
get the fuck out of here with this horseshit
both parties Democrats and Republicans both use voter suppression based on what their check writers want
for example there is bipartisan efforts to keep United States citizens locked up for a list of nonviolent offences such as Bidens tough crime bills and now immigrants and women are on the list too
the education system is also used to suppress votes - no democracy without a properly funded education system
bipartisan effort to keep the minimum wage at $7.25 is another way to suppress votes - tired, overworked people do not vote with an informed healthy mind thus subverting democracy more
state of healthcare is another way voters are suppressed - health people would not vote for the current state of things
the politicians’ check writers also suppress by controlling the media that is consumed along with the entirety of culture deleting content as needed to keep us in line
and the list goes on we need to throw both parties out and start fresh
The Comstock Act of 1873 is a series of current provisions in Federal law that generally criminalize the involvement of the United States Postal Service, its officers, or a common carrier in conveying obscene matter,[1] crime-inciting matter, or certain abortion-related matter.[2] The Comstock Act is largely codified across title 18 of the United States Code and was enacted beginning in 1872 with the attachment of a rider to the Post Office Consolidation Act of 1872.[3] Amended multiple times since initial enactment, most recently in 1996,[4] the Act is nonetheless often associated with U.S. Postal Inspector and anti-vice activist Anthony Comstock.[5]
The law was applied broadly for much of its history, before the scope of enforcement narrowed after various court rulings, and modern enforcement is primarily focused on prosecuting child pornography (with the most recent conviction under the Act being made in 2021).[6][7] In spite of its contentious nature, something that has throughout the years spawned a variety of legal challenges on enumerated powers doctrine, vagueness doctrine, First Amendment grounds, etc., the Comstock Act has thus far been widely upheld as constitutional.[note 1]
goes beyond health to include everyone in the United States to be suspect of something and subject to correcting by the jackboots
Democrats and Republicans both have supported such laws and policies to bring us into the United States of today
when did we have public health to start with?
But wait, there’s more: federal health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes for Health, have been ordered to pause all external communications, including health advisories and scientific reports
never used science to begin but instead cash to buy the government agencies even before Trump
voters hear this horseshit all the time but Democrats never have anything to show at the end of the day but excuses about how it is all the Republicans fault
2,500 people is still not enough to undo to the damage done by a lifetime of being a pro police corporate puppet like the rest of the politicians
Justice delayed is justice denied fuck you Biden
“Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, ‘Wait.’”[18]
no that is an inaccurate statement that fails to paint the full picture
a portion of the citizens that went through an extremely underfunded education system while dealing with heavy metals and other pollution that both parties have failed to do anything about that then came of age in a country without free healthcare and living wages or without affordable childcare while also being bombarded by toxic culture and watched by an overfunded police force the entirety of their natural lives voted
the rest of those citizens either did not vote or were imprisoned by bipartisan politics that kept them locked up with some of them used as prison slaves for corporations
US elections are a scam bought, paid for, and ran by corporate overlords
am a US dissident unable to cast a vote for either of the two puppets thanks
Democrats and Republicans both my entire life have worked together to make laws and policies that have kept progress at bay
never had a non-white president
would love to have had real representation and it would have been cool to see someone that looks like me or the people out of our window here
Obama was as white as Biden and got just as much done like any other do nothing Democrat
just as much in the way of progress as Republicans and both parties need to thrown out