I do self host a bunch of stuff but i really don’t want to run my own email :(
I do self host a bunch of stuff but i really don’t want to run my own email :(
A lot of Nazis were supposedly born in 1988…
But in this specific case, i believe him.
They did delete the posts, at least. Not great but at least an acknowledgement that maybe this isn’t a good look for the company.
Ah, okay. That makes sense. (Fwiw I’ve seen fascist types use 88 and 1488 outside the US, too. “88” is technically German. It can have begin meaning outside the US/The West in general, though.)
I’d still go with proton over Google. Google is also on board with fascism. Maybe not as enthusiastic about it but I’m not sure that’s a difference.
That said, looking for alternatives may be good.
That’s naive. I’m not ditching proton yet, personally, but this does shake my confidence in them.
The Biden government was targeting them, though. Kind of. Various companies were facing challenges from the administration. I think the difference is: If they suck Trump’s dick enough he’ll leave them alone. Biden was less likely to do that. Or probably that’s their view of it, anyway. Somehow big business seems to view Trump as a “rational actor” while they view Biden as the opposite.
Something something TOS Mirror Universe episode…
…88 is a red flag. Generally that’s a bad number.
Honestly, it’s Bitwarden right now. This move signals their intent to change that, though.
When i was in high school i got beat to shit by other kids regularly. These were some nasty fucks. too. Buncha farm boys who took what they learned from their old man at home and brought it to school to take it out on those smaller than them.
The school knew i was being hurt regularly and did nothing. My reports of violence directed against me got no response at best and the school administration saying i deserved it for being weak at worst and i quickly quit even bothering. Other parents saw/overhead how i was treated and complained to the school but that was also ignored.
But when Columbine happened suddenly that changed. They knew the whole time and they realized something bad could happen because of their inaction and encouragement: I could get revenge.
Now, things didn’t change for the better but it became clear to me that they knew exactly what had been going on. They just didn’t care because, in their minds, i deserved what happened. Their response to the new fear of school shootings wasn’t to try to fix things and improve the situation, it was to view me not just as someone who deserved what happened to me but as an enemy.
They know and they don’t care.
I’m probably here to stay. Maybe not Lemmy specifically, but i’ve already joined Mastodon once and then bailed and things have only gotten worse since then. It’s either this or Tumblr and my Tumblr account is still all jacked. Or maybe Cohost or Pillowfort will start drawing people in? I’d take one of those, too.
But even if i have to run my own Lemmy instance i don’t want to go back to some privately owned site that’s just going to have the same cycle kill it again
It’s completely illegal.
Who’s gonna do something about it? The FBI?