How many times are we going to hear ‘he can’t’ or ‘he won’t’ from people regarding Trump. I had a social media post all the way back in 2017 that said “if you’re saying things like 'he can’t or ‘he won’t’ you’re in denial about what’s happening…”
8 years later and here we are, friends were saying things like ‘he can’t’ or ‘he won’t’ when before the election I expressed extreme concern about his chances of dictatorship, and here we are with politicians and the media saying ‘he can’t’ or ‘he won’t’.
Feel free to take the first shot.
Thats the problem. Its still not a “we” thing. Its still a “I’ve got to protect mine” thing. If we’re going to do anything we’re going to have to do it together.
Gonna take a lot more shared pain to push folks to that.
Someone already did and nobody took the hint. Sometimes I wonder how things would have gone if he’d been able to wait a few months.
The second shot?
Do you have the ability to do something about it? Because if not, guess what? He can, and he did.
If you think a court order is gonna give these people their jobs back, you haven’t been paying attention.
Fired Fed jobs have been reinstated because of court orders, what made them follow those?
And the Court AGREED! THEN sent Trump a STERNLY WORD LETTER telling him what he was doing was ILLEGAL and if he DIDNT Reverse Course they would send ANOTHER letter!
BOY o BOY! It sure sounds like President Trump is in trouble this time!