I have one outstanding order that is already out for delivery. Once I get that, I’m closing my amazon account. I’m done. Buy nothing. Vote with your wallet. Edit: account is closed. get bent Bozos.

    • kipo@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      We have lost our rights, had our rights restricted, or have had our rights routinely violated on the following issues:

      • bodily autonomy – abortion

      • unreasonable search and seizure – the federal government (FBI, NSA) digitally track everyone. Cops can legally take your money and property without cause or due process. Cops selectively enforce laws. State attorneys general selectively enforce laws. The TSA (airport security) is arguably unconstitutional.

      • torture and indefinitely imprisoning people without charging them with a crime.

      • trans people’s right to bodily autonomy, freedom of liberty, equal rights, equal access to healthcare, etc. Florida is forcibly putting trans inmates in with inmates of the opposite-gender and forcing trans people into conversion therapy. Trans people are facing widespread persecution and legislative genocide, depending on the US state. States are trying to make being trans a crime by calling them “sexually obscene”. I fully expect the federal government will try to do the same, as it’s part of the Project 2025 playbook.

      • our court system is overall corrupt and corrupt judges do not rule based on facts, science, what the law says, what is morally right, or what is best for the people.

      • the right to a speedy trial is being violated. The right to have a public defender adequately represent you when accused of a crime is being abused and violated.

      • slave labor is allowed and legal in this country. Prison inmates are allowed daily temporary release to work for private companies but then the prisons and government steal most of their earnings.

      • our human right to a clean environment is being violated. Our water, air, and land is being polluted with a lack of regulation and oversight.

      • rights of immigrants, asylum seekers, and others is routinely violated and now, once again, millions of people are being threatened with deportation.

      • black people have never had equal rights in this country. I can’t even begin to list the extent of their oppression here. Racism is on the rise politically now too.

      I could keep listing points for hours, if not days.

      • Hellsfire29@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        None of those are true or accurate. Maybe don’t break the law, don’t have unprotected sex, don’t groom children, and no, there’s no “trans genocide”

        You didn’t lose any rights. You just to can’t force your beliefs on others, similar to religious fanatics. Keep your sexuality and religion to yourselves.

        You can be trans. But you don’t need to broadcast it. No one cares. No need for pride parades either. I think parents raising their kids to be more decent and accepting of their peers would be more effective than forcing people to accept it.

        You already have rights. You just can’t list it as an achievement or qualification on a resume , or expect to be hired just because you’re trans.

        Barack Obama was President. Proof that black people can excel. Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest women in the world. Proof that color is not an obstacle.

        Education is, however, an obstacle. Who’d rather become a gang member because they couldn’t pursue education?

        I’m not attacking you, this is just my perspective. I just happen to disagree. I wouldn’t think that black people would be proud of being hired solely because of their color rather than merit or for their hard work and education, as for all ethnicities

        I think education is more important than “trans or lgbtq rights”.

        Abortion? If you have unprotected sex knowing what the true purpose of it is to reproduce, then you should have the child.
        If you have multiple abortions because you keep having unprotected sex, that’s irresponsible. Abortions should be limited to rape victims, underage females, incest, and if the mothers life is endangered.

        95% of abortions are because of elective reasons. They chose to abort it knowing that they can’t afford a baby or whatever reason.

        Men also should realize that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancies, so they should take the same amount of precautions.

        Prison inmates as slave labor? They shouldn’t have broken any laws. They have to contribute to society or be rehabilitated somehow. Another interesting point. Should prison be a punishment or rehabilitation? I know it’s a bit of both but which way should it teeter?

        Hopefully you (we) become less miserable as the years go on.

        Take care. Even if your list is inaccurate or exaggerated.

        • kipo@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          I encourage you to take a college course from a non-religious university that covers any of the above subjects.