I’m sure there are as many reasons as there are people who dislike Ubuntu, but here’s a few:
They injected internet ads into search
To many outside of the community if they have any familiarity with Linux on a desktop, it’s with Ubuntu which kinda places it in a position to newcomers as being Linux itself rather than one particular flavor
It is very opinionated about look and feel and usability: i.e. their custom launcher and Snaps
It’s popular
It has a reasonably large user base so there’s more opportunity for people to find things to nitpick over.
Overall it’s fine. I’ve used Ubuntu, Mint, Puppy, DSL, Arch (btw), Fedora, and Debian. I can do pretty much anything I need to on any of them. I’ve got my preferences about the correct balance between useability, upgrade schedule, and customizability.
I’m sure there are as many reasons as there are people who dislike Ubuntu, but here’s a few:
Overall it’s fine. I’ve used Ubuntu, Mint, Puppy, DSL, Arch (btw), Fedora, and Debian. I can do pretty much anything I need to on any of them. I’ve got my preferences about the correct balance between useability, upgrade schedule, and customizability.
They did? Like filesystem search? I don’t see that.
As ferret mentioned it was in the past, but they were prominent: