House Republicans lost another member in Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., on Friday. Gallagherā€™s departure April 19 will leave Republicans with just one vote to spare on legislation.

Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., who announced last monthĀ he would not run for re-election, will resign from Congress early, he confirmed in a statement Friday.

Gallagherā€™s departure before the end of his term in January is another blow to Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and House Republicans, who have been struggling to govern and demonstrate stability in this Congress.

Two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News of Gallagherā€™s plan to resign early Friday. The Wisconsin Republican then released aĀ statementĀ announcing that he will depart April 19.

The speakerā€™s office confirmed that Gallagher informed Johnson of his decision earlier this week.

His resignation could cause more headaches for House Republicans. Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., who also isĀ not seeking re-election, is resigning from Congress on Friday, cutting the GOPā€™s minuscule majority to 218-213. When Gallagher leaves, the majority would further shrink to 217-213, meaning Republicans could only afford a single defection on any vote if Democrats vote together.

    1 year ago

    Gallagherā€™s decision to leave April 19 also means that there will not be a special election to fill his seat. UnderĀ Wisconsin state law, vacancies after the second Tuesday in April are filled in the general election, so Gallagherā€™s replacement will be decided in November and his seat will remain empty until January.

    If he resigns just a week earlier his seat would likely be filled by another republican. Credit where credit is due, this is an intentional move on his part to express dissatisfaction with house republicans.