Now I’m confused, WLTP is measured at a certain temperature. Since the Polestar and the Tesla made it the same distance, shouldn’t they have the same WLTP range?
Does the Polestar just perform better at lower temperatures? Does the Polestar also exceed its rated range in summer then?
Since the testing environment is pretty clear I would have assumed that there is a central authority that tests the claims and reprimands the manufacturer if the claims are off by too much.
I don’t know many car-related EU and national authorities that can be ignored by the manufacturer without consequences. Otherwise we would have manufacturers that lie about the size, weight, capacity, speed limits and acceleration of their cars to pad their numbers.
Did you forget the whole diesel emissions scandal? A ridiculous amount of car manufacturers were caught after it turns out they were lying on the tests for years at that point.
It takes time before the government properly audits and finds these issues.
Now I’m confused, WLTP is measured at a certain temperature. Since the Polestar and the Tesla made it the same distance, shouldn’t they have the same WLTP range?
Does the Polestar just perform better at lower temperatures? Does the Polestar also exceed its rated range in summer then?
Tesla just states a higher range than the car has.
Is the WLTP range not checked by any authority?
Since the testing environment is pretty clear I would have assumed that there is a central authority that tests the claims and reprimands the manufacturer if the claims are off by too much.
Your view of the relationship between governments and global corporations is adorable.
I don’t know many car-related EU and national authorities that can be ignored by the manufacturer without consequences. Otherwise we would have manufacturers that lie about the size, weight, capacity, speed limits and acceleration of their cars to pad their numbers.
Did you forget the whole diesel emissions scandal? A ridiculous amount of car manufacturers were caught after it turns out they were lying on the tests for years at that point.
It takes time before the government properly audits and finds these issues.