Sadly I think there are people out there like this

  • Ms.
    5 months ago

    I’m reminded of the game Black and White where you have an avatar/pet that you can train to behave in certain ways. You can do positive reinforcement like giving scritches and whatnot when they do something you want, or negative reinforcement which is effectively a “backhanding the shit out of an anthropomorphic pet” simulator. If they are holding something and you rub their belly they will eat what they’re holding. To train mine not to eat villagers I would hand them one, rub it’s belly, wait for the villager to be eaten, then beat them to a pulp. Usually once was enough but sometimes they’d need a second round

        5 months ago

        Every time I see you refer to yourself that way, I want to gouge my eyes out.

        Firstly, we don’t consent to engaging with your dragon kink. I’ve seen your comments that reaffirm that this is the core of your ‘identity’. Your screen name is another clear example. Leave us out of this “Dragon Rider” nonsense - I don’t care what your kinks are, keep it private without consent.

        Second, why do you still use third person perspective here? Your bio clearly states that “Drag” works in the first, second, and third person, so why leave it in third person instead of speaking about yourself in first person? You are writing in english, right? Or is this Dragspeak/Dragtongue/[some other fantasy bullshit]?

        If you’re going to make up rules, put on an act, then submit everyone else to it, at least try thinking through it for longer than a few seconds. I get the feeling you never properly considered how poorly “Drag” works in first person. “Drag keep Dragself happy by exposing unconsenting strangers to Drag own dragon kinks!” Perhaps that’s part of it: adopting a lizard’s attention span.

          5 months ago

          Grr. So if you didn’t consent, and drag didn’t consent, then who the heck made you write literal paragraphs wherein you engage with drag’s sexuality? It sure wasn’t this one. Maybe you should take some time to think about why you want to harm yourself and go on hate rants just for seeing different gender expressions than your own.