I’m just going to tuck this in here: https://fiscal.wa.gov/Staffing/Salaries
It isn’t just the highest paid university staff it is often highest paid state employees
I’m just going to tuck this in here: https://fiscal.wa.gov/Staffing/Salaries
It isn’t just the highest paid university staff it is often highest paid state employees
Like half of my job is writing .bat files to automate stuff locally and not tell my boss that all I do anymore is double click the right things in the right order…
I’m reminded of the game Black and White where you have an avatar/pet that you can train to behave in certain ways. You can do positive reinforcement like giving scritches and whatnot when they do something you want, or negative reinforcement which is effectively a “backhanding the shit out of an anthropomorphic pet” simulator. If they are holding something and you rub their belly they will eat what they’re holding. To train mine not to eat villagers I would hand them one, rub it’s belly, wait for the villager to be eaten, then beat them to a pulp. Usually once was enough but sometimes they’d need a second round