fucking UK still using miles
that’s 1000KM for anyone living in the 21st century
Also, 1 Mm
Also .00000668 AU
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Megameter used before. I quite like how it sounds.
So do I. I quite like using Megagram in place of tonne, as well.
They seem to be using a 150 kW battery. Its amazing to see this technological advance, even if I don’t need such large batteries.
I don’t think Mercedes measures range in miles
Fantastic tech. Wish the physical design of their non-SUV full electric models didn’t look quite so dumb though :(
I assumed they’re trying to get the least amount of drag while still being comfortable.
Perfection was achieved long ago. Akira was right about everything.
Perfection was achieved long ago.
Having a sitting position like a “z” sideways doesn’t look comfortable at all, for more than 15 minutes.
You don’t like egg?