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Panel 1: A poster with a snake illustration and the text “2025 YEAR OF THE SNAKE” is displayed. A small snake head peeks out from the bottom of the poster. Panel 2: The snake is now larger and speaks excitedly to the human, saying “Yussss this year’s my year!” The human responds with “Exciting! What will you do?” Panel 3: A close-up of the snake’s head, now looking bored. Below it is a calendar page showing the days of the week: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN. Panel 4: The snake, now larger again, says “Slither around a bit, I guess.” Another calendar page is visible, showing MON and THU.
10 points for slithering… I guess.
Ssssslithhher around, you ssssay?
Stop hissing around, it isn’t your year.
This is so cute
I have a terrible fear of snakes but I loved how cute this was. Which reminds me, I need to set a filter for snakes. Can I also filter out pictures of snakes in general (still new to lemmy/fediverse)?