Nearly everybody loved the open-city Arkham games and Spider-Man, and nearly everybody loved playing a stealth archer in Skyrim.
Get the fucking peanut butter in the chocolate and let me be Oliver Queen already.
Add a Sniper Elite like xray slow mo for when you hit enemies with a long range shot or ricochet so you can appreciate breaking the pelvis of a mentally ill man with a boxing glove arrow after aiming for his balls.
Yes! You get what I’m looking for exactly.
It could be so fun, arrows that act as parachutes, grappling hooks, etc. Punching glove arrows
Because Warner Brothers owns the rights to all DC games right now and nobody at Warner has any idea how to actually produce good video games. The Arkham games were good because they came out before loot boxes and online-only games were a thing. Now if a game doesn’t earn a billion dollars in the first year, the game is considered a failure.
WB have made MK boring
Honestly, I think the market is so saturated with superhero media (movies, games, tv shows) that anything that’s not at the top is at the bottom. I kinda know that Green Arrow is a superhero just from what I’ve heard and seen in other superhero stuff, but that’s about it. Most people that aren’t really into the superhero genre won’t bat an eye unless they market it as the next best AAA game, and then if it falls short of that it’s a bust.
Edit: it may be better off as an indie-style, lower budget game that the fans can get into without the producers having to risk a whole lot, but with the whole Marvel/DC stuff they seem to have huge budgets and bigger profit expectations.
While I’m sure it could be a great game, it’ll never happen. WB just canceled a Wonder Woman game and shut down its developer. If they don’t have faith on a game based on one of their most well known characters, there’s no way they’d even green light a game based on a lower tier hero. A detective game based on the Question would be great too, but since he’s not one of DC’s top heroes it’ll never happen.
Mr Zaslav, the CEO of WB, the company who owns the rights, doesn’t want WB to be profitable so he can sell it off to a private equity firm and make out like a bandit with his CEO bonus intact
How does that stack up, lower the value to sell? Shareholders approve his bonus, why would they want to lower their value.
At first I came in here to say it was a silly idea, but almost every argument against it could be thrown against other games that have been done.
It would have to be very short to be any good I think. And have a really good story.
But yeah just unlock different arrow types throughout the game and you’re good. Half finished.