Leftists are already trying to fuck megacorps over, why would they try and placate them?
Leftists are already trying to fuck megacorps over, why would they try and placate them?
Yep. Everyone hoping for a crash or collapse has a very narrow view on the situation. It should be easier to profit by adding property onto the market and harder to profit off holding onto them.
Take gutting the FDA for example.
Developing drugs is EXPENSIVE. If that gets a whole lot cheaper (and far more unsafe) they might actually look at developing some drugs that wouldnt have been likely to have a good ROI before but might now.
Its not impossible that massive deregulation could lead to advancements.
The $500,000 house will be $250,000 but the 6% interest rate will be 24% and the 10% deposit will be 25%.
At this point my biggest hope for the Trump administration is for some “Happy Accidents” that wouldnt happen in a safety oriented world. We might make some really cool discoveries that we otherwise wouldnt make because so much wild shit is going to happen that statistically speaking some of them have to be positive.
Nah then you get to the fork in the road meme where its either depression or “working out”
Most of my gym buddies are either people who were fit their entire lives and this is just their happy place or people who are there because they need to have an addiction and this one doesnt kill them slowly.
Cool, I love Ska!
Id go see a band called “The Guitarists”
Legit? Theres been several incidences worldwide of people driving cars into crowds of people and I dont want to get accused of domestic terrorism or have to beat a bunch of public endangerment charges in court.
I mean its 3 MILLION DOLLARS! but its also only 3 million dollars. If I have to replace the bus stop, pay a bunch of lawyer fees, have my licence revoked for a year or two, possibly have charges on my record that would make it hard to get a job… Its “life just got a lot easier” money but not quite “Set for life”
Australia has the best Vegemite.
What did you do with it? Because you sure as fuck havent cooked any of it.
Go on facebook marketplace, buy cheapest car near me that runs rhe have “car accident” in the wee hours.
Racists: Dey tuk ur jeeeerrrrrbs!
The secret is to give up on having time for yourself and find the zen in the things you have to do anyway.
You ever wonder why dads tend to become all about their yard, their bbq and DIY? Because if I have to mow the fucking lawn, feed my family and fix shit all the fucking time I might as well find the satisfaction in a job well done.
“Your Honor, I was trying to get the Kleenex pregnant.”
They are.
A 600lb person walking a mile burns significantly more calories than a 200lb person doing the same thing. Im 200lbs and I can back squat 300lbs, a 600lb person squatting down and standing back up is moving more weight than I am… If they can manage it.
Volunteers are a double edged sword. At some volume of users and content it either needs to be a huge team of like minded volunteers which increases the likelihood of ye power tripping bastards or someone who is paid to do it and spend the time with rules to follow.
Damn right, I’m only on Lemmy because there isnt a better alternative, not because its great.
The sad fact is that for social media to not suck you need moderation, for moderation not to suck they need to be paid mods, which means it has to make money somehow, which either means adds, subscriptions or mining user data…
Gestures broadly at Lemmy.