Pizzacake is a popular comic artist over on Reddit. She gained popularity mostly because she is extremely active in the comments of all of her posts. She is constantly chatting and attempting to make friends.
As for why she is disliked, there’s a few reasons.
The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn’t actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.
Another is that she won’t stop talking about how people who don’t like her are sexist. She’s made multiple comics about how her critics don’t read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.
Her jokes also tend to be the easiest possible punchline for every joke. this has a kinda weird double effect because it means that her comics are extremely applicable to most people because they are generic enough that you can fit most of them into most situations. On the flip side, if you don’t like one the comics… You probably won’t like any of them… They’re all similar enough to be mostly indistinguishable other than the topic itself. along that same train of thought, if you like one… You’ll probably like them all.
As for my own opinion, I don’t really care one way or the other. She’s fine. I’ve heard accusations of her paying for likes on Reddit for promoting her own comics and so on but honestly I haven’t seen any proof myself so I can’t confirm or deny any of those.
Pizzacake is a popular comic artist over on Reddit. She gained popularity mostly because she is extremely active in the comments of all of her posts. She is constantly chatting and attempting to make friends.
As for why she is disliked, there’s a few reasons.
The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn’t actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.
Another is that she won’t stop talking about how people who don’t like her are sexist. She’s made multiple comics about how her critics don’t read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.
Her jokes also tend to be the easiest possible punchline for every joke. this has a kinda weird double effect because it means that her comics are extremely applicable to most people because they are generic enough that you can fit most of them into most situations. On the flip side, if you don’t like one the comics… You probably won’t like any of them… They’re all similar enough to be mostly indistinguishable other than the topic itself. along that same train of thought, if you like one… You’ll probably like them all.
As for my own opinion, I don’t really care one way or the other. She’s fine. I’ve heard accusations of her paying for likes on Reddit for promoting her own comics and so on but honestly I haven’t seen any proof myself so I can’t confirm or deny any of those.