Uhhh what is going on in the comments? Who is Pizzacakecomic? And why almost everyone here hate them?
Pizzacake is a popular comic artist over on Reddit. She gained popularity mostly because she is extremely active in the comments of all of her posts. She is constantly chatting and attempting to make friends.
As for why she is disliked, there’s a few reasons.
The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn’t actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.
Another is that she won’t stop talking about how people who don’t like her are sexist. She’s made multiple comics about how her critics don’t read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.
Her jokes also tend to be the easiest possible punchline for every joke. this has a kinda weird double effect because it means that her comics are extremely applicable to most people because they are generic enough that you can fit most of them into most situations. On the flip side, if you don’t like one the comics… You probably won’t like any of them… They’re all similar enough to be mostly indistinguishable other than the topic itself. along that same train of thought, if you like one… You’ll probably like them all.
As for my own opinion, I don’t really care one way or the other. She’s fine. I’ve heard accusations of her paying for likes on Reddit for promoting her own comics and so on but honestly I haven’t seen any proof myself so I can’t confirm or deny any of those.
The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn’t actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.
Sexism is so rampant on Reddit that saying “I’m a woman” and getting bombarded by creeps and freaks is trivial. Less a commentary on her, specifically, and more on the degenerate nature of the community.
She’s made multiple comics about how her critics don’t read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.
She’s producing liberal political comics, and she’s a woman, so the chuds will be out in full force screaming at her.
At a certain point, though, its just…
She’s fine.
She’s very clearly low effort. The art is flat, the comedy is mid, the political edginess is ten years out of date.
I wonder if Netflix will be signing her any time soon.
She loves antagonizing those who don’t like her comics and often doubles down for extra Reddit upvotes.
From my casual observations, she seems like a messed up person who could use a lot of self care. But to be fair, I don’t think anyone taking nude photos on only fans is in a good mental state.
I guess I’m fine with pizzacake’s awful zero-punchline comics being here on Lemmy, I just hope her stupid cult doesn’t follow and this community doesn’t turn into some pizzacake safe fan space where you literally aren’t allowed to say anything that isn’t directly kissing her ass, like /r/comics.
It would get boring if we get comments like this (i.e. that say nothing about the particular comic posted) underneath every comic though :/
I’m talking about the creator, relevant, and specifically referring to this particular comic (as well as their others) as awful and without a punchline, so that doesn’t feel like nothing about the topic to me.
Negativity is a valid opinion and negativity isn’t the same as incivility (and thus shouldn’t be prohibited)
There is a punching in this comic.
There really isn’t. The “punchline” here is predicated on the idea that the reader will assume the character will react with transphobia, as if transphobia is the default reaction, but if you don’t assume that reaction either because that’s not your worldview or you’re familiar enough with the creator to understand the context of their work, then there is nothing left to serve as a punchline. I won’t say “virtue signaling” because that’s a stupid phrase and frankly there is legitimately some value to the signaling of virtue in the first place anyway (especially when said signal is one of welcoming to a disenfranchised community like our trans brothers and sisters), but the only “joke” here is pandering. It’s “hey you expected me to be awful but I’m actually incredible!!,” and that’s not a punchline.
edit: typos
It is really a punchline. Also it isn’t predicated on the reader’s reaction being transphobia. The reader could simply be aware that transphobia exists and is a common reaction to the familiar situation she depicted. You don’t need to self insert as literally one of the characters in the comics you read. She isn’t saying that you are transphobe or that she is incredible. She is making a comment about how parents and society’s reaction to a trope situation is changing.
I didn’t say the reader, I said the character. She isn’t making any “comment” about anything here; acknowledging a situation exists is not inherently making commentary on it nor injecting humor into it. This is at best pandering, at worst pandering with an appetizer of rage-baiting.
Do I hate this? No. Is it evil? No. Do I hate pizzacake? No. Do I even object to this awful non-punchline comic being posted here? No. The only thing I object to is the bullshit special treatment and kid gloves certain creators on the other site received for no worthwhile reasons, and am preemptively sounding the alarm that we should be wary that such behavior does not seep over here too.
Point being, if you enjoy this comic, punchline or not, that is okay. I’m not really interested in further spending time arguing the merits or non-merits of the work of somebody I’m not interested in with you, so if you still wish to argue that there is some deep commentary or punchline to be found here, I hope we simply land on agreeing to disagree on the topic.
Man, I wish Pizzacake would join Lemmy.
Why? That’s her comic right there? What does that achieve other than bringing her ‘other’ business here?
If she joined Lemmy then I could block her account and I wouldn’t have to see her comics (as I did on Reddit). As it stands I don’t really want to block OPs account since they post and comment lots of different stuff. It’s nice to be able to block a specific creator from their own account rather than play whack-a-mole with freebooters.
And before people start saying I’m misogynist or something, I’m not. There are plenty of women webcomic artists I like. Extraordinary Comics and War and Peas just to name a couple. I just find pizzacake to be incredibly boring, low hanging fruit and barely even funny at all. Not trying to hurt feelings, I just don’t like her stuff and prefer to block it from my feed.
I’m right there with you. Actually winced when I saw the name pizzacake just now. Pure garbage.
Same. There isn’t a single pizzacake comic in my folders and never will be. They’re just not good. Every single one is painfully low hanging fruit. Like this “joke” would be used in a half second throwaway gag on a sitcom. It’s not strong enough for a comic. But that’s like… Every comic Pizzacake makes. That or half of her comics are just her complaining about something.
Fucking pass.