Elephant paths in my country.
Elephant paths in my country.
Okay but they still need to distribute it if they want others to use it. And you don’t reach a lot of people through sneakernet alone. Nintendo will just shut down every place the software gets distributed. Then no legitimate site wants to touch that with a ten yard stick.
If Nintendo is going to release it after the Switch experience tour the release will probably be after June. Last event date is in June in Seoul.
It’s because corporations being corporations and took the concept of workspace partitions to its limits for the sake of efficiency. Look at early concepts of workspace partitions and it doesn’t look like anything that’s the office hellscape we saw in the late 90’s and early 2000s. It went from good design with big partitioned off sections to crammed cubicles in a soulless environment.
Same thing happened with the modern open office plan where everyone got crammed into a flex desk bull pen instead of the proper open office design where everyone has a big private desk where you sit several feet away from each other.
Just look at this clip where Conan visits the Intel HQ in 2007, it’s a soulless maze of cubicles https://youtu.be/gXReifFHXbY
Sure you got privacy but it’s just depressing to spend so much time in an environment like that.
Also here is a video of how the partitioned workspace aka the action office turned into the cubicles we all hate https://youtu.be/7Tt4n8SaxEY
Yeah but that factory white bread in the supermarket is literally the devil. How else can it stay good for so long?
Nah these billionaires don’t align on the modern left wing right wing spectrum, they are all a special kind of hardcore libertarian. The only ideology they have is that they should be able to do whatever they want to earn their next billion. Him appeasing right wingers fits his MO, but doesn’t make him a right winger.
Yeah but it’s a different type of steno machine. You can also just type on it without using chords. So you can use it in applications where a steno machine wouldn’t work. Like in programming.
The channel has videos explaining how the keyboard works
Tape is cheap and durable if you store it properly. Except the tape drive is expensive af.
Microsoft is working on glass storage. A glass plate can last 10,000 years according to Microsoft. Hopefully that tech will get miniaturized and available to consumers within our lifetimes.
That’s the Cuntbus